
Two House Panels Launch Investigation Into FBI’s 2016 Decisions

Goodlatte, Gowdy: ‘Host of outstanding questions that must be answered’

October 24, 2017
now hiring

Projection: 11.5 Million Jobs Added to Economy Over the Next Decade

Employment to grow by 0.7 percent, greater than last decade's growth of 0.5 percent

October 24, 2017
Palestinians walk past a sign painted on a wall calling to boycott Israeli products coming from Jewish settlements

Supporters of Israel Boycott 'Disproportionately' Affiliated With Gender, Ethnic, Middle East Studies

90% of pro-BDS programming brought to campuses by departments associated with gender, ethnic, or Mid-East disciplines

October 24, 2017
Rep. Maxine Waters / Getty Images

Waters: 'Absolutely Ridiculous' to Say I Threatened Trump

Dem rep says she's been 'responsible' in calling for president's impeachment

October 24, 2017