
MSNBC's Ali Velshi Laments Facts About Net Neutrality Preventing a 'Fair Conversation'

Former FCC head to Velshi: 'Maybe you haven't read these laws and you don't understand them'

December 14, 2017
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai speaks as commission members listen during a commission meeting

FCC Repeals Net Neutrality

'Returning to the traditional light-touch framework in place until 2015'

December 14, 2017
US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley unveils previously classified information intending to prove Iran violated UNSCR 2231 by providing the Houthi rebels in Yemen with arms

Trump Admin. Unveils Material Evidence of Iranian Missile in Yemen

U.S. envoy Haley says missile proves Tehran's violation of U.N. resolutions

December 14, 2017