
Ethics Watchdog's Donation Page For Potential MN Senate Run Lacks FEC Disclosures (UPDATE)

CREW has regularly filed complaints with the FEC over infractions by campaigns and committees

March 9, 2018

DOD Report on Mishandled Military Dog Adoptions Skips Accusations of Attempts to Sell Retired K9s to Foreign Countries

Scheme that kept handlers from their dogs gets little attention from Inspector General

March 9, 2018
Sen. Marco Rubio

Colombia Ambassador Pick’s Testimony Spurs Questions About Role in Benghazi Aftermath

Macmanus testified in front of Senate Foreign Relations Committee Wednesday

March 9, 2018
Democrat Conor Lamb

Conor Lamb Worked Behind Scenes to Quash Concerns Over Israel Comments

Lamb campaign now says he ‘evolved’ from position that Israel is guilty of terrorism

March 9, 2018