Democratic Congressman Knocked off Stage by Falling Net Neutrality Sign

December 14, 2017

A Democratic congressman was knocked off the stage at a rally for net neutrality on Thursday when the sign behind him fell down on him.

Rep. Jose Serrano (D., N.Y.) was speaking at a rally in Washington, D.C., on the same day the Federal Communications Commission is expected to repeal net neutrality regulations enacted by the Obama administration.

As Serrano spoke in favor of net neutrality, the alarm-clock style sign behind him that said "Wake up call" fell down and pushed Serrano off the stage. He kept his footing and made a joke about it.

"Wow. I have never been hit that hard in the South Bronx," he said, going on to speak from the ground. "But I'll speak from here, and I'm doing that with a pulled muscle in my leg. Tough guy. Where was I?" 

Serrano went on to say the net neutrality issue was about more than just the Internet, saying the country belongs to "all of us."

"Make sure that you stand up for it even if you have to get pushed off a stage," he said.

Published under: Net Neutrality