White House Pushes Back Against Comey: 'The President's Not a Liar,' 'Frankly Insulting' to Ask

June 8, 2017

A White House spokeswoman pushed back Thursday against former FBI Director James Comey's accusation that President Donald Trump was telling lies about him.

Appearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee, Comey testified that Trump's claims that the FBI was disorganized and the rank-and-file disliked his leadership were "lies, plain and simple."

"I am so sorry that the FBI workforce had to hear them, and I'm so sorry that the American people were told them," he said.

Hours later, New York Times White House correspondent Glenn Thrush asked deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders in an off-camera briefing whether Trump was in fact lying about Comey.

"I can definitely say the president's not a liar," Sanders said. "And I think it's frankly insulting that that question would be asked."