Putin Dismisses Intelligence About Russian Interference in Election as 'Assumptions'

June 2, 2017

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday dismissed reports that his country's government willfully interfered in the U.S. 2016 presidential election as just "assumptions" and "allegations."

NBC host Megyn Kelly asked Putin at a forum in St. Petersburg, Russia about his recent remarks that the losers of the American election were trying to pin their defeat on Russia, although he acknowledged private hackers acting outside of government control might have meddled.

Kelly pointed out, however, that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies had concluded Russia did interfere in the U.S. election, as had Republicans and Democrats, and supporters of Donald Trump.

"Are they all wrong?" Kelly asked.

"Have you read those reports?" Putin asked through a translator.

"I read the nonclassified version," Kelly said.

Putin called the nonclassified version "null and void."

"I read those reports," he said. "Even in those reports, there is no specific evidence, no facts. Just assumptions, allegations, and conclusions based on allegations. Nothing more. If there is something specific, concrete, we could discuss that."