Whoopi Goldberg Mangles the Facts on Obama's Executive Orders

January 27, 2017

Nearly every member of the panel on ABC's "The View" seemed to get their facts wrong Wednesday when comparing the executive orders signed by President Trump and former President Obama.

While discussing the executive orders Trump signed in his first week in office, Joy Behar wondered out loud why the president is "so intent doing these executive actions?"

Co-host Jedediah Bila jumped in to criticize Obama's use of executive orders but falsely claimed that the former president had signed the most executive orders in history. In fact, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt holds that record, with just over 3,500 signed executive orders.

Whoopi Goldberg interrupted Bila to correct her, but followed it up with her own falsity.

"In the terms of executive action, at least it took President Obama at least a couple of months in," Goldberg said. President Obama actually did not waste any time signing executive orders once he assumed the presidency, however. Obama's first executive order was signed on Jan. 21, 2009, just one day after he was inaugurated. During his first month in office, Obama signed a total of 16 executive orders.

Later in the segment, Goldberg again falsely claimed that Obama did not sign executive orders during the early days of his presidency.

"He didn't do executive orders–he didn't do it in the beginning. He did it in his second year. I'm just saying," Goldberg said 0f Obama's use of executive orders.

PolitiFact rated Goldberg's statement as a "pants on fire" in its analysis of her comments, writing, "Executive action has a broad definition, but just in terms of one type of executive orders, Goldberg's claim is incorrect."