World's Saddest Two-Year-Old

Obama ignores, RNC celebrates O-Care B-Day

President Obama may be ignoring the second anniversary of the passage of his signature health-care overhaul, but the Republican National Committee is marking the occasion in grand fashion.

"Happy Birthday, Obamacare!" reads a banner hung today from RNC headquarters on Capitol Hill. "We didn’t forget you."

The RNC is also "celebrating" with the release of a new web video titled "Obamacare’s Lonely Birthday," in which a despondent health-care bill sobs its way through Washington, D.C., wondering why the president has decided to ignore it on its birthday.

"On ObamaCare's second birthday, President Obama won't be celebrating because the American people have rejected his signature legislation," said RNC chairman Reince Priebus in a statement. "Well we didn't forget about ObamaCare's birthday or the fact that it's increasing costs on families and adding to our already ballooning national debt."

Beginning next Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments concerning the constitutionality of the president’s health-care law, and is expected to issue a ruling in June.

Published under: Obamacare