D-Day on Twitter

literally the last time in history that bicycles were used for good instead of evil
June 6, 2016

Today's the anniversary of D-Day, the date on which Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy. It was a horrifying, awe-inspiring day:

Twitter is, generally speaking, an awful place that deadens the soul and rots the brain. But it does have its bright spots, including the Real Time World War II account, which is "Livetweeting the 2nd World War, as it happens on this date & time in 1944, & for 2 years to come." Needless to say, its effort on D-Day has been pretty impressive:

My God. I can't even imagine the balls on those guys. One thing I learned is that the famous speech from Patton was adapted from remarks given by the general on the days before the invasion:

So good. So good:

Also interesting is the German side of things:

They weren't wrong!

Anyway, like I said, this is a pretty cool way to use an objectively terrible communication medium. Check it out!