Europol Report Warns ISIS Planning ‘Special Forces-Style’ Attacks

French soldiers operate in St. Denis following Paris attacks / AP
January 26, 2016

A report from Europe’s law enforcement agency released Monday warned that ISIS is planning more large-scale, "special forces-style" attacks.

According to CNN, the Europol report, compiled in the wake of the Nov. 13 Paris terror attacks, warned that ISIS may attack France and other countries in the European Union in the "near future."

"The Paris attacks, and subsequent investigation, appear to indicate a shift towards a broader strategy of [ISIS] going global, of them specifically attacking France, but also the possibly of attacks against other Member States of the EU in the near future," the report read.

The agency said that intelligence has indicated that ISIS, which claimed responsibility for the coordinated attacks in Paris, has established a command structure to plan "special forces-style" attacks abroad. This could mean more assaults like the those carried out in Paris, which killed 130 people and wounded hundreds more.

"Central command in Syria is believed to map out a general strategy, but leaves tactical freedom to local leaders to adapt their actions to circumstances on the spot," the report read, surmising that ISIS has set up smaller training camps in EU member states and in the Balkans.

The report follows a propaganda video released by ISIS online that purported to show the nine militants who carried out the attacks in Paris training and threatening more attacks on western nations.

Fears of terrorism have increased in the wake of the Paris attacks, with many Americans now naming terrorism a top concern.

Published under: Terrorism