The Food and Drug Administration wants to ban teenagers from going to the tanning salon.
Stat News reports:
Minors may no longer be able to bask in tanning beds nationwide if the Food and Drug Administration gets its way. On Friday, the FDA proposed a change in regulations that would restrict indoor tanning to those over 18. The changes would also force manufacturers to install more safety features on tanning beds, and would require all users of any age to sign a waiver showing that they have been informed of the health risks involved.
There will be a 90-day period for public comment on the proposed regulations. But an FDA spokesperson said that in the case of devices, most FDA proposals are eventually enacted.
The ban would be the latest hit to the tanning industry from the Obama administration, which imposed a 10 percent excise tax on indoor tanning through Obamacare.
The tax has been blamed for 81,000 lost jobs, as thousands of tanning salons have shut down since it went into effect.