Hillary Clinton Losing To Sanders in NH Among All Demographics Except Old People

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Hillary Rodham Clinton / AP
August 25, 2015

Hillary Clinton is currently losing to challenger Bernie Sanders among likely Democratic primary voters in New Hampshire in every demographic except those age 65 years or older.

According to a Public Policy Polling survey released Tuesday, Sanders leads Clinton among New Hampshire primary voters 42 percent-35 percent. Sanders topples Clinton among somewhat liberal voters, very liberal voters, and moderates as well as among men and women.

The former secretary of state inches out Sanders among individuals over age 65, while her challenger secures more votes from individuals in all younger age groups.

Sanders’ appeal among New Hampshire voters has been consistently building since news broke of Clinton’s exclusive use of a private email system while at the State Department, a scandal that has given way to an FBI investigation.

The first indication of Sanders leading Clinton in New Hampshire came just as Clinton delivered her private server to the Justice Department.

Unlike Clinton, Sanders is seeing a strengthening favorable rating in the state. Seventy-eight percent of New Hampshire Democratic primary voters view Sanders favorably, while only 12 percent said they feel the opposite.

Clinton, on the other hand, has seen her favorable rating shrink to 63 percent among Democratic voters in the state. The former secretary of state has faced declining favorable and honesty scores among Americans nationwide since revelations first emerged regarding her personal email use.

Confirmation of Sanders’ surge in New Hampshire comes just as speculation builds regarding the potential entry of Vice President Joe Biden into the Democratic race for president.

The survey also indicates that Donald Trump is leading his GOP competition among likely Republican voters in New Hampshire with 35 percent of the vote.