A new Fox News poll of registered voters found that a wide margin of voters think that President Barack Obama is "being too soft" on Iran and that the United States should not be negotiating with Iran.
More than half the voters polled said that Obama is "being to soft" on Iran, with only 2 percent of voters saying he is "being too tough." Fifty percent of voters also said he it is doing the "wrong thing" by negotiating with Iran because it "can’t be trusted to honor any agreement."
Sixty-five percent also believe that "Iran poses a real national security threat to the United States," compared to only 29 percent that don’t.
Seen as even more of a threat to the United States is the Islamic State, which 81 percent believe pose a national security threat.
Sixty-three percent said that the fight against Islamic extremists is going badly, with 29 percent saying that it is going "very badly."
Only 3 percent said that the fight against Islamic extremists is going "very well."