Timelapse Video Shows Just How Cool Space Really Is

December 23, 2014

European Space Agency astronaut Alexander Gerst just returned from six months in space. While he was there Gerst performed some incredible feats like installing an Electromagnetic Levitator and snapping 12,500 4K resolution images. Those beautiful images have been made into an amazing timelapse video.

"Watch Earth roll by through the perspective of ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst in this six-minute timelapse video from space," a statement on the European Space Agency's Youtube channel said. "Combining 12,500 images taken by Alexander during his six-month Blue Dot mission on the International Space Station this Ultra High Definition video shows the best our beautiful planet has to offer."

Gerst would often set up cameras to take photos as he performed experiments or docked spacecraft, according to the space agency's statement.

"Marvel at the auroras, sunrises, clouds, stars, oceans, the Milky Way, the International Space Station, lightning, cities at night, spacecraft and the thin band of atmosphere that protects us from space."

More pictures of Gerst's space travel can be found on his Flickr page, the Daily What reports.