Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy (D., N.Y.) took a not-so-subtle jab at House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) on Tuesday, implying that Pelosi has not realized that it is time to call it quits.
"One of the things that I certainly believe with all my heart and soul--you have to know when to leave," McCarthy said. "Nancy obviously does not feel that this is the time to leave."
McCarthy, a nine-term congresswoman from New York, said that many in her party had hoped Pelosi would hand the reins of the Democratic Party leadership to someone else after massive losses in the 2014 midterm elections.
"Many of us thought that she might stay for, you know, maybe this coming year, and then hopefully turn the reins over to someone else," McCarthy said. "But when I look around... is anybody really ready to replace her?"
McCarthy said Pelosi's refusal to pass the torch was impeding younger Democrats from advancing into leadership positions.
"She is really good at raising money," McCarthy said. "But they have to start training younger people and bring younger people into the caucus to become, hopefully, the future leaders."