Obamacare Hurting Restaurants in Pennsylvania

October 14, 2014

Pennsylvania restaurants will be forced to provide health insurance for all employees who work more than 30 hours per week when Obamacare requirements go into effect in 2015.

Members of the Pennsylvania Restaurant and Lodging Association met in Harrisburg on Monday night to discuss changes to the industry as a result of Obamacare.

"Obviously we want to have people insured, but the costs can be significant," restaurant owner John Melody told CBS affiliate WSEE-PA. "It's a balancing act, and we're here today to learn more about that for sure."

Nearly 20 restaurants were present at Monday night's meeting to prepare for compliance in 2015, when their businesses will be required to offer health insurance to their employees.

"There are people who are concerned about the increased cost of it," PRLA President and CEO John Longstreet said. "But the biggest thing is to make sure that everybody's ready to go and doing what they're supposed to do to be in compliance with the law."

Published under: Obamacare , Pennsylvania