Inside The Ring: U.S. Military Is Trying To Confirm If Airstrikes Killed Khorasan Leader

September 25, 2014

U.S. military and intelligence officials are trying to confirm intelligence and social media reports that the leader of the al Qaeda offshoot in Syria known as the Khorasan Group was killed in Monday’s airstrikes.

Widespread Twitter messages after the U.S.-led Tomahawk cruise missile attack on Khorasan positions in the northwestern Syrian town of Kafr Daryan indicate that Khorasan leader Muhsin al-Fadhli was killed. The tweets have been circulated with the hashtag "#Martyrdom_Of_Muhsin_Al-Fadhli."

Well-known jihadists also offered condolences for al-Fadhli, whom many described as the leader of al Qaeda-affiliate Nusra Front, not the Khorasan Group.

Read the entire article at the Washington Times.

Published under: Military , Syria