A catchy country tune penned by a pair of U.S. soldiers has started to sweep the Internet, earning more than 120,000 shares on Facebook since the end of August.
Lucien Patten and Lane Goff formed the band Patten and Goff on base at Fort Eustis in Virginia in late August and wrote their first song, "Proud of Who I Am," shortly thereafter. A video of the song was posted to Facebook by a fellow soldier and has since gone viral.
"I'm just a backwoods country boy, proud of who I am," the song starts. "Yes sir, I knew exactly what I was doing when I swore to Uncle Sam."
"If you don't like the way I'm living, just remember that it's for you. I'm a redneck camo-wearing son-of-a-gun for the red, white, and blue."
The viral video show Right This Minute called the song "real country" and "inspiring."
The pride in country and commitment to duty that oozes from every twang-tinged word has set the Internet ablaze.