The Person Maddow Wants to Run for President 'Probably' Won't Run

September 5, 2014

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D., Mo.) told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow last night that she was 'probably not' running for president, even if Hillary Clinton does not declare her candidacy.

The senior senator from Missouri said there is a perception that her entry into the presidential race would be "more like a bull in a china shop," and that her efforts are focused on ensuring Clinton becomes the United States' first female president.

When Maddow pressed McCaskill further, noting that Clinton has yet to declare her candidacy, McCaskill dismissed the question again, saying "I think it's a hypothetical we won't have to talk about."

"I want to be supporting her every way I know how," McCaskill said. "I think she'll be a terrific president, and I can't wait to say 'Madame President' to her."

Maddow remained unsettled until the end of the interview, and continued to declare her support for McCaskill's hypothetical candidacy.

"If I had to pick one Democrat who I thought could win a race for president, it would be you," Maddow said. "That's in part because you're considerably more conservative than I am, but I think you could win if you ever wanted to run."