In an interview with The Century Foundation's Michael Cohen this morning, CNN host Carol Costello challenged Cohen's defense of President Obama's lack of strategy regarding the terror group ISIL.
"You can sit here and intellectualize about that, but when you see a second American being beheaded and you hear the President of the United States saying he has no clear strategy as of yet, it makes you angry; it makes Americans really angry, and it makes Americans feel helpless."
After lauding Obama for 'de-mystifying' the notion that the United States can affect the situation in Iraq, Cohen said he wished Obama had not walked back on the 'no strategy' comment and that the President had been better about articulating his message.
"I think he's been terrible at explaining to the American people exactly what he means," Costello responded.
Cohen continued to defend Obama, emphasizing that his message is a hard one to convey and that there is 'no easy solution' to the growing threat of ISIL.