Report: Eldridge Trailing by 35 in Internal Poll

New York Democrat Sean Eldridge’s internal polling shows him trailing his Republican opponent by 35 points, according a report from a liberal blogger in the state.

Eldridge, the husband of New Republic editor and Facebook poke button pioneer Chris Hughes, is hoping to unseat Rep. Chris Gibson, an Army veteran who has lived in the district his whole life (Eldridge and Hughes moved there two years ago).

He is not faring well in that effort, Down With Tyranny reports:

We mentioned yesterday that Eldridge raised and self-funded $2,448,887 so far. But as of the June 4 FEC filing deadline he only had $1,564,418 cash on hand. That's because he—Reid—had already spent $884,469. That's not an inordinate amount to introduce a well-heeled challenger in a contest against an incumbent. But many critics thought a great deal of the money was wasted on nonsense that did him no good. I'm told that the secret Global Strategy poll confirmed that and that for all that money spent—$965,000 from his own checkbook—"poor" Sean was losing miserably—in the vicinity of just 25 percent of the vote to Gibson's 60 percent.

Published under: Sean Eldridge