Former Vice President Dick Cheney on Sunday argued the U.S. is in "big trouble ahead" because of President Obama's "refusal to recognize reality" with the global spread of radical Islam.
Appearing on ABC's This Week, Cheney slammed Obama saying "I don't intend any disrespect for the president, but I fundamentally disagree," he said. "I think he's dead wrong, I think we're in for big trouble in the years ahead because of his refusal to recognize reality and because of his continual emphasis on getting the U.S. to basically withdraw from [that part] of the world.
Cheney also argued the Obama administration is "decimating the defense budget." He noted the U.S. Army has 40 brigades, but "only four are combat ready." And as a result, Cheney said, Obama has "dramatically limited the capability of future presidents to combat crises."