House Speaker John Boehner ended a press conference Thursday by announcing that the president is "taking a nap" while Iraq falls into the hands of terrorists, before storming off the stage.
"It's not like we haven't seen this problem coming for over a year," Boehner said, referring to reports that an Islamic militant group has seized control of large parts of Iraq, including its second-largest city of Mosul. "And its not like we haven't seen, over the last five or six months, these terrorists moving in, taking control of Western Iraq, now they've taken control of Mosul, they're 100 miles from Baghdad. And what's the president doing? Taking a nap." Boehner then abruptly left the room.
Earlier in his remarks, Boehner declared that "The president's policies have failed the American people."
Decrying the exchange of five Taliban detainees for Sergeant Bergdahl, Boehner said, "One of our citizens' greatest protections was knowing that the United States does not negotiate with terrorists. And that principle has been compromised."
Boehner called anyone who does not believe this move put Americans at risk "incredibly naive."