Dem Donor: Wasserman Schultz is Irrelevant, Despised in Washington

Major Democratic donor John Morgan called Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.) an irritant after she raised concerns over the medical marijuana amendment he lobbied for, according to the Miami Herald.

Wasserman Schultz released a statement Friday morning saying she was concerned that the amendment to Florida's constitution was "written too broadly and stops short of ensuring strong regulatory oversight from state officials."

Morgan, who  worked on getting the amendment onto the November ballot, gave  a fiery response to the statement.

The Herald reports:

"I know personally the most-powerful players in Washington D.C. And I can tell you that Debbie Wasserman Schultz isn’t just disliked. She’s despised. She’s an irritant," Morgan, an outspoken Orlando trial attorney, told the Miami Herald.

"Why she’s trying to undermine this amendment I don’t know," he said. "But I’ll tell you I will never give a penny or raise a penny for the national party while she’s in leadership. And I have given and helped raise millions."

Morgan has been a major fundraiser for Sen. Bill Nelson (D., Fla.) and President Barack Obama.