CBS: 'Shinseki's Fate Appears to be Sealed'

Embattled Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki's "fate appears to be sealed," CBS White House correspondent Major Garrett reported Friday on This Morning.

Facing bipartisan calls to resign and a refusal by the White House to give him a public vote of confidence, Shinseki could step down or be fired very soon for what Garrett called "fraud" and "mismanagement" happening under his watch.

"President Obama promised accountability over VA health system failures, and today may be the day of reckoning," Garrett said.

The stunning charges of delayed care and hospitals using phony wait lists to deceive veterans and the public have caused an outcry around the country. Democrats facing tough re-election fights in 2014 have widely called for Shinseki to step down.

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R., Calif.) said the sense of trust between veterans and the VA had broken over the scandal.

"Shinseki's fate appears to be sealed," Garrett said. "It really only appears to be a question of timing. One senior official told us the White House would like to resolve this situation 'as soon as possible.'"

Published under: Veterans Affairs