Pivot to Nowhere

Obama pivots to the economy like it's his job

April 17, 2014

It's another pivot to jobs for the Obama administration.

President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden visited Pennsylvania Wednesday to promote a new job-training plan by the government.

It's a common tic of this White House and the Democratic Party during difficult periods, which essentially encapsulates the entire time since Obama was re-elected. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi even said April 1, "We now pivot to job creation" in the aftermath of the Obamacare enrollment period.

Indeed, this is a familiar pattern. President Obama has been pivoting to jobs and trying to fix the sluggish economy since he took office, and the media's taken notice. MSNBC's Chuck Todd sarcastically called it a "deja pivot" last July.

The Hill noted in November that Obama made five "pivots" to jobs alone in 2013, and this may be the 22nd time overall Obama has tried to shift the topic to the all-important topic of job creation. With an approval rating consistently underwater, anything's worth a try.

Published under: Barack Obama , SUPERcuts