NC Native Americans criticize Elizabeth Warren

September 5, 2012

North Carolinian Native Americans criticize sharply Elizabeth Warren in a video released Wednesday by the Massachusetts Republican Party.

Filmed in Cherokee, N.C., several Native Americans describe Warren's claim that she is 1/32nd Cherokee as "wrong" and that Warren should be "ashamed."

"Elizabeth Warren, being someone that is a professor should have some type of ethics," says Dale French, a man raised on the Cherokee Indian reservation in Cherokee, N.C., in the video. "I can’t trust a person like that.  If they are willing to lie about themselves and where they are from and who they are, well....I just don’t approve of that."

"I don’t think it is right," Johanna Martin says in the video. "In a way it feels like they are making fun of our heritage because they don’t have any realization of what we went through as a people."

Published under: Elizabeth Warren