Iran progress on nukes

February 15, 2012

The Iranian regime crept closer than ever to becoming a nuclear power today, unveiling several technological advancements to what it claims is a peaceful nuclear program.

Defying Western sanctions meant to halt Iran’s nuclear pursuit, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad oversaw the inclusion of an Iranian-made fuel rod into a research reactor outside Tehran, the AP reports.

Per the AP:

Separately, the semiofficial Fars agency reported that a "new generation of Iranian centrifuges" had been installed and had gone into operation at the country's main uranium enrichment facility at Natanz in central Iran.

The West suspects Iran's nuclear program is aimed at producing atomic weapons, a charge Tehran denies, insisting it's geared for peaceful purposes only, such as energy production.

The crisis has already resulted in sanctions placed on Iran's economy, and there are fears that it could escalate to military action.


Published under: Iran