Hypocritical Democrats

Dems Ignore Their Own History in Congressional Hearings

Democrats are guilty hypocritical outrage over Wednesday's dispute between Rep. Elijah Cummings (D., Md.) and Rep. Darrell Issa (R., Calif.) House Oversight Committee hearing on the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative learning groups.

On Thursday the Congressional Black Caucus took to the House Floor introducing a resolution condemning Rep. Issa's actions. Leading the Congressional Black Caucus against Rep. Issa was Chairwoman Rep. Marcia Fudge (D., Ohio).

Fudge appeared on MSNBC's Politics Nation Thursday and claimed, "I’ve never seen this behavior by anyone, not just a chairman. Representative Issa brought dishonor on the House of Representatives."

It would seem that Rep. Fudge, and a majority of Democrats have forgotten about a 2008 House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing, where Chairman Rep. Henry Waxman (D., Calif.) threatened to have Rep. Issa physically removed from a hearing.

View the Waxman incident below:

Published under: Elijah Cummings