DNC Attendees Hard-Pressed to Name One Hillary Clinton Accomplishment

A new Media Research Center shown on Fox and Friends Thursday showed Democrats at the DNC winter meeting unable to name an accomplishment by Hillary Clinton while Secretary of State.

"What would you point to as her [Hillary Clinton’s] biggest accomplishment as secretary of state?" MRCTV’s Dan Joseph asked over and over.

Attendees appeared stumped, taking a few seconds to formulate an answer:

Some said she had about a hundred moments of greatness when she served under President Obama - but, strangely, couldn't name a single accomplishment of hers, besides marrying Bill Clinton.

Another attendee mentioned Clinton's stance on abortion as a reason to be super excited for Hillary Clinton in 2016.  As for her accomplishments, none came to mind, but she noted that Obama saw a reason for her to be nominated as Secretary of State.

One attendee told Joseph that Clinton’s greatest accomplishment was "the way that she represented America," while another told him, "We are a little bit more at ease with our folks in the Middle East."

Published under: Hillary Clinton