Over 100 Universities Reject American Studies Association Israel Academic Boycott

The American Studies Association (ASA) has received criticism from over 100 universities for its academic boycott of Israeli universities.

Israel Hayom reported:

The schools include some of the leading academic institutions in the U.S., including Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford, Columbia, Johns Hopkins, Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Princeton, Boston University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Connecticut, and University of Texas, among others. The schools are joined by the American Association of University Professors, comprising some 48,000 professors, and the Association of American Universities in their opposition to the boycott.

Four universities -- Brandeis University, Indiana University, Kenyon College and Pennsylvania State University Harrisburg -- announced they planned to withdraw altogether from the ASA as a result of the boycott decision.

The ASA called for a boycott of Israeli universities and academic institutions in December.

Published under: Israel