Morning Joe Panel Can't Stop Laughing at Obamacare's 'Pajama Boy'

VandeHei: Obamacare launch 'one of the most flawed rollouts in the history of mankind'

December 19, 2013

The panelists of MSNBC's Morning Joe had a good laugh Thursday at the expense of "Pajama Boy," the bizarre Obamacare ad attempting to drive conversations toward Obamacare over the holidays.

Described as a "hipster-ish model" by co-host Mika Brzezinski, the appearance of the bespectacled, sideways-glancing, cocoa-drinking, onesie-wearing manchild drew guffaws from Joe Scarborough, and the rest could hardly get through their comments without laughing themselves.

When Brzezinski said it was an attempt to get young people to sign up, Scarborough replied, "That ain't how you do it."

Politico's Jim VandeHei mocked it as well, calling the Obamacare launch "one of the most flawed rollouts in the history of mankind," and alluded to Rich Lowry's column shredding the campaign.

The ad was widely mocked on the Internet when it came out. Even New Jersey Governor Chris Christie got in on the action, parodying the ad with one of his own advocating volunteering over the holidays.

Published under: Morning Joe