James Capretta of the Ethics and Public Policy Center said the Obama administration is "way behind" their overall Obamacare enrollment target Wednesday on Fox News.
To this point less than 365,000 people have enrolled, far short of the 7 million goal by the end of March.
Despite enrollment numbers being better November, Capretta warned approximately one quarter of those enrollments could be invalid because of data errors associated with the Obamacare website.
The columnist added a "thorough investigation" needs to be conducted to ascertain how exactly HHS and CGI Federal squandered the $600 million spent to build healthcare.gov. "I would support an independent investigationtion, even one beyond the Inspector General. Probably the Government Accountability Office should be looking at this as well," Capretta said.
For the lucky few who have been able to shop on healthcare.gov, their experiences with higher premiums and deductibles have not exactly been welcome news for the Democrats. Capretta concluded much of the consternation seen among certain vulnerable Democratic senators reflects the increased costs their constituents see when they shop on the exchanges.