SEAN HANNITY: The Democrats—watching the arguments today—their big argument is, "Oh, we shouldn’t have to debate this again." But this was sold to the American people as not being a tax; the Supreme Court has weighed in, it is what we said it was—those of us that are conservative—it’s a tax. Why was this important today?
REP. PAUL RYAN: Well, it was sold on three broken promises. One, it’s a tax. It’s a tax on middle-income taxpayers. Number two, President Obama said health care premiums would go down—no, they went up. They went up about $2,500. Three, he said if you liked the plan you have, you can keep it; well, now we’re finding that millions of people are poised to lose their health insurance once this becomes effective. It was sold on misleading grounds, and we really believe that if these facts were known then when it was passed, it would not have passed.