Cuomo Accepts Emmy as Pandemic Surges

November 23, 2020

New York governor Andrew Cuomo (D.) accepted the International Emmy Founders Award for his pandemic press conferences Monday morning, as the coronavirus surged across his state.

After the Emmys presented a video of celebrities praising Cuomo, the governor gave an acceptance speech saying his press conferences have offered "authentic truth and stability."

"I'm proud of New Yorkers who had the courage to tell the truth and the strength to stand together. That's what 'New York tough' really means," Cuomo said.

Celebrities including Robert DeNiro, Ben Stiller, and Billy Crystal celebrated Cuomo's response to the virus. The governor said he appreciated the contributions of those in show business.

Cuomo has taken heat forĀ ordering thousands of COVID-positive patients back into nursing homes in the early weeks of the pandemic, which likely contributed to tens of thousands of infections and thousands of deaths.