Michael Feldman: Obama Will Not “Unilaterally Disarm”

February 7, 2012

Democratic strategist Michael Feldman appeared on MSNBC’s The Daily Rundown Tuesday to defend President Obama’s flip-flop on Super PACs. Feldman declared that for Obama to "unilaterally disarm" in the super PAC fundraising battle would be "political malpractice." He also echoed David Axelrod’s Morning Joe appearance by referencing Karl Rove and the Koch Brothers.

TODD: Michael Feldman is a Democratic strategist. Perry, and Anna, covers politics for the Financial Times. Welcome all. Okay. You said I should have seen this super flip-flop coming. Why is that?

MICHAEL FELDMAN: First of all, President Obama and his campaign didn't set these rules, they are just playing by them. I don't think this is a surprise. Billions of dollars will be spent in this cycle. For the president to unilaterally disarm and allow Karl Rove and the Koch brothers and others to raise hundreds of millions of dollars and spend them on negative ads without allow allowing his supporters to defend him would be political malpractice.

Published under: Campaign Finance