Obama campaign bans cell phones at New York fundraiser

Flashback: 'It’s not surprising then that they get bitter and they cling to guns or religion'

The Obama campaign drew attention for a new practice this week at a New York fundraiser: Attendees were not permitted to bring their cell phones into the event. Fox Chicago reports on why the Obama campaign might have opted for such a policy:

ANCHOR: The price of admission to a fancy Obama campaign fund-raiser last night in New York ways $35,800. Tonight's talking was about what else people had to give up to get inside—their cellphones. 60 guests had to drop off their cell phones in plastic bags at the door. The Obama campaign was trying to make sure the president's private remarks stay private. It says the no-cellphone rule only applies to small fundraisers held inside private homes. At these events, the president sometimes makes unscripted remarks and takes questions, which he then answers off-the-cuff. Politicians can find trouble when they speak off-the-cuff, especially with smartphones shooting video and posting it to Youtube, also Facebook and Twitter. President Obama learned the hard way back in 2008; his primary campaign against Hillary Clinton was nearly torpedoed when someone took video of him explaining why people in Pennsylvania are religious and support gun rights. Remember this?

OBAMA: People have been beaten down, and they feel so betrayed by government. It’s not surprising then that they get bitter and they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them, as a way to explain their frustrations.

ANCHOR: After that Hillary Clinton's campaign was reinvigorated. Pundits were calling Barack Obama unelectable. In the end, of course, he did get past it. Events for Mitt Romney had signs that say please no audio are video recording, but people are allowed to hold on to their phones.

ANCHOR: And Bob, here's what our Facebook and Twitter friends are saying about all this. Gene tweeted that the cell phone policy is "an invasion of the freedom of speech." Laura posted, "what is going on at those parties?" And just one word from K.C., "Transparency?"

Published under: Obama Campaign , Video