DICK MORRIS: But I believe the whole thing is a colossal, huge, gigantic mistake because he is literally saying, "I am the tool of Hollywood and the New York eastern establishment." For somebody who’s trying to be everyman and rally the 99 percent against the 1 percent and who’s getting clobbered in the polling in the Midwest where they lost massively in 2010 and he’s trailing in a whole bunch of states, like Ohio and Michigan and others. For him to go out there so heavily for gay marriage, that’s one thing. You could take that as a statement of non-discrimination and a statement of inclusivity. But then to publicize that he rakes in a million that night and then that he flies to Hollywood and does an event there—that is absolutely the opposite of the image the president should be projecting. That’s why when Bill Clinton said he wanted a vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, I said get your butt over to the Rockies and go out camping.
Morris blasts Obama campaign's same-sex marriage strategy
Morris: 'He is literally saying, “I am the tool of Hollywood and the New York eastern establishment.”'
May 11, 2012