CA Dem Proposes to Girlfriend During Legislative Session

ASSEMBLYMAN LUIS ALEJO: If I could have your undivided attention for just a moment, please. I wanted to take a moment to introduce you to a very special lady in my life. She’s the love of my life, she’s been my best friend—she’s beautiful, she’s the smartest person I know, she’s finishing her PhD at UC-Santa Cruz, a daughter of migrant farm workers. But today is a special day for us because we celebrate our seven-year anniversary, and I wanted to take the time, right here in front of my family and my friends, to ask the big question. After seven years, I wanted to turn to my girlfriend, Karina Cervantez, on this day, at this moment, and at this special hour, and ask her if she would make me the happiest man on earth by marrying. Karina Cervantez, would you marry me? She said yes.

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