National Journal writer Ron Fournier said the Obama administration had "undermined" Obamacare and lost the trust of the American people during Monday's Special Report with Bret Baier.
After calling Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell a "competent manager," Fournier said the Obama administration regrettably has not displayed a great deal of competence.
"The problem is the central attribute you have to have as any leader, in any walk of life and certainly in government is trust," Fournier said. "This president has destroyed the credibility of his administration himself and government itself."
Fournier said the administration's mistakes, on top of fallout over Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber's embarrassing comments, have made Obamacare increasingly difficult to defend.
"In the long run, as somebody who would like to see this bill work, I think they have really undermined it," Fournier said. "And it's going to be harder to defend it."