A new ABC News/Washington Post poll reported President Obama’s approval rating has sunk to a new low of 40 percent.
President Bush faced the same dismal approval rating in 2006, right before Democrats snatched the House and Senate in the midterm elections.
The poll shows the Democratic Party has plunged to its lowest approval in 30 years.
The Washington Post reported Wednesday:
"The poll, from the Washington Post and ABC News, shows 39 percent of Americans now have a favorable impression of the blue team, while 51 percent have an unfavorable impression. Both are new records."
The poll assessed Americans’ opinion of the president and members of Congress through public concerns including the Ebola crises and terrorism. President Obama was also scrutinized over his handling of immigration and foreign policy.
Nearly two-thirds of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction, and three-quarters say they are "dissatisfied" with the political system.