Mary Landrieu Hits New Low, Only 39 Percent Approve

Sen. Mary Landrieu (D., La.) has reached a new low in approval, according to a new poll that has the Democratic incumbent at a 58 percent unfavorable rating.

According to Bayou Buzz:

According to the [Southern Media and Opinion Research] SMOR poll, based on a survey of 600 likely Louisiana voters conducted April 28-30, 2014. Senator Mary Landrieu continues to drop, with her positive rating now hitting an all-time low of 39 percent and her negative numbers skyrocketing to 58 percent.

The results also reflect a gap between "likely voters and "voters". According to Pinsonat, SMOR used "likely voter" criteria because it was focusing upon an actual upcoming election, rather than a poll showing general popularity. Likely voters, are considered habitual voters, thus, are likely to vote this fall.

The poll also revealed that Landrieu’s support of Obamacare may be harming her campaign, as the law remains deeply unpopular in her home state.

Only 31 percent of voters said they supported Obamacare, according to the poll, while 63 percent said they were against the law.

Furthermore, among voters who said they are undecided about who to vote for in the Senate race, 79 percent said they were against Obamacare.  Only 11 percent said they were for it.

Landrieu has spent $2 million in campaign ads so far in her close race against Rep. Bill Cassidy.