How the Ventura County Democratic Chair Spent His Fourth of July on Twitter

The chairman of the Ventura County, Calif., Democratic Central Committee celebrated the Fourth of July weekend by accusing Republicans of backing Nazis and discussing the size of conservative men’s genitals on Twitter.

"Do you have the freedom to get an abortion without coathanger induced sepsis? Thank a Democrat, vote out Reoublicans," [sic] wrote David Atkins, tweeting from the handle @DavidOAtkins on July 4.

Atkins, an "online activist" who was elected to head the Ventura Democrats in 2012, spent the holiday marking America’s independence attacking Republicans as racists and backers of the Nazis during WWII.

"Do you have the freedom to vote without a poll tax or getting fire hosed because of your skin color? #ThankaDemocrat," he tweeted.

"Did US fight for #freedom in WWII instead of joining big business Republicans backing the Nazis and fomenting a coup on FDR? #ThankaDemocrat," Atkins said.

Atkins also retweeted a tweet remarking that it is okay to "speak ill of the dead" in the case of Richard Scaife, a conservative philanthropist, who died on July 4.

On July 5, Atkins went after conservative men, saying they "generally know they can't compete in a battle of wits or in the bedroom. Violence & superstitition [sic] is all they've got."

"Conservative men are afraid that if women can have ‘consequence free sex’, their wives will leave & their daughters will disobey them. Good," he tweeted.

"I've met plenty of women who used to have conservative boyfriends. Ideology isn't the only place they fell short," he added. 

Atkins is listed on the endorsements page for Rep. Julia Brownley (D., Calif.), who is running for reelection against Republican Jeff Gorell, an assemblyman from Camarillo.

Julia Brownley for Congress has contributed $3,450 to the Ventura County Democratic Central Committee this election cycle, giving $1,500 in April, $1650 in January, and $300 last May.

Atkins’ tweets have been the subject of controversy before. As the Ventura County Democratic Central Committee’s vice chairman in 2011, Atkins tweeted that Republicans who testified at a Redistricting Commission hearing in Oxnard should "just put your white hoods on already."

He was condemned for his remarks, but was not reprimanded by his fellow Democrats.

In response, Atkins said he "regrets the choice of words I used, but I will always stand up to defend the rights of minorities in Ventura County."

Published under: California