Crowd Erupts Into Laughter When Charlie Crist Calls Hillary Clinton 'Honest'

September 19, 2016

Former Florida governor and current congressional candidate Charlie Crist (D.) received laughter on Monday evening when he said that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is "honest."

Crist was debating against Rep. David Jolly (R., Fla.), the incumbent congressman in the Florida's 13th congressional district.

"Are you voting for your party's nominee, governor?" the moderator asked.

Crist responded by saying that he was going to vote for Clinton as the next president of the United States and that he was proud of her.

"I think she's been a very good secretary of state, a very good senator from the state of New York. The thing I like most about her is she is steady. I believe she is strong. I believe she is honest," Crist said.

The crowd erupted into laughter and booed Crist after he said that Clinton was "honest."

Crist added that he looks forward to voting for her.

Published under: Charlie Crist