President Obama gave a very brief view of his plans for the coming year in the terms of foreign policy in his State of the Union address.
The president claimed that our military power is stopping the Islamic State's (IS) advance, and this is not the case. For every 1,000 IS fighters in Iraq and Syria that are killed every month, the terror group is replacing them with 1,500 more. While the president doesn't want to send troops in to fight IS but plans to build a coalition of moderate Syrian fighters. These just don't exist.
"There is no real support for the moderate Syrian opposition. In fact, one military official told me that they are calling the moderate Syrian opposition the unicorn because they have not been able to find it, so there was a general tone, maybe even suspended disbelief, I think when he started talking about foreign policy. There's not a lot of success stories to be talking about in foreign policy right now," said Richard Engel.