Amaq News Agency: Islamic State Claims Responsibility for Nice Attack

Investigators continue to work at the scene near the heavy truck that ran into a crowd at high speed killing scores who were celebrating the Bastille Day July 14 national holiday on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice
Investigators continue to work at the scene near the heavy truck that ran into a crowd at high speed killing scores who were celebrating the Bastille Day / Reuters
July 16, 2016

CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for the deadly attack in the Riviera city of Nice on Thursday that killed at least 84 people.

"The person who carried out the operation in Nice, France, to run down people was one of the soldiers of Islamic State," the news agency Amaq, which supports Islamic State, said via its Telegram account.

"He carried out the operation in response to calls to target nationals of states that are part of the coalition fighting Islamic State," the statement said.

(Reporting by Omar Fahmy; writing by Eric Knecht; editing by David Clarke)

Published under: ISIS