More Than 500 VA Employees Fired During Trump Administration

US Secretary of Veterans Affairs David J. Shulkin
US Secretary of Veterans Affairs, VA David J. Shulkin / Getty Images
July 7, 2017

More than 500 employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs have been fired since President Donald Trump took office in January.

According to data released by the VA on Friday, 526 employees have been terminated while another 27 were demoted and 194 employees were suspended for at least two weeks, the Washington Examiner reports.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin released a statement on Friday on the department's transparency and accountability.

"Veterans and taxpayers have a right to know what we're doing to hold our employees accountable and make our personnel actions transparent," Shulkin said. "Posting this information online for all to see, and updating it weekly, will do just that."

In the list made publicly available of the terminations, names were not published, but positions were.

The department has received widespread criticism after it was revealed that VA employees were misrepresenting the truth about patients and wait times for veterans to see doctors or receive testing. Many members of Congress from both parties have called for employees who were a part of past scandals to be held accountable.