Theocracy Alert!
Former Dem Rep Cites 'Teachings of Jesus Christ' four times to defend Pro-Choice White House
August 14, 2012
Obama spox falsely accuses Ryan of destroying debt deal
Obama in 2011: 'When you’ve got a ratio of $4 in cuts for every $1 of revenue, that’s pretty hard to stomach'
August 13, 2012
Paul Ryan: 'Together, we will unite America and get this done'
Romney running mate speaks aboard the USS Wisconsin
August 11, 2012
Jay Carney Dodges Questions on Priorities USA Ad
Carney: 'We do not control third party ads'
August 10, 2012
Warren's daughter part of group connected to welfare voting drive
Organization claimed Mass. violated federal voting laws; state now sending registration forms on taxpayer dime
August 9, 2012