Free Beacon Videos

Geithner Touts Phantom War Savings in Deficit Reduction Plan

Flashback: Woodward: Geithner 'conceded this wasn't real savings'

December 2, 2012

Collins: Obvious that Rice Chose to Emphasize Some Aspects and Downplay Others

Maine Senator to Wolf: 'I don't think the Sec. of State or U.N. ambassador should be...playing essentially the role of the administration's defender'

November 28, 2012

Market Falls as Grijalva Talks Fiscal Cliff

Arizona Dem says entitlements sacred, willing to go over fiscal cliff if necessary

November 27, 2012

U.S. Will Continue to Accept Controversial Chinese Passports

State Dept. has 'concerns' that will be raised with the Chinese

November 27, 2012