Free Beacon Videos

Michigan Dem Facing Eviction for Bouncing Check to Landlord

Banks has eight felony convictions from 1998 to 2004 for credit card fraud, writing bad checks

February 26, 2013

Burton Dodges WH Access Auctioning Question, Defends OFAc4

Liberal watchdog says Obama should shutdown OFA

February 26, 2013

Lil' Poopy May Be in Big Trouble

Lawyer says 9-year-old rapper is simply exercising first amendment rights

February 26, 2013

Menendez's 'Right-Wing' Critics

New Jersey Dem employs the words of MLK as he claims to face 'nameless individuals from right-wing sources seeking to destroy a lifetime of work'

February 25, 2013

Chuck Todd on OFA Fundraising: 'This Just Looks Bad'

OFA donors who give $500,000 get quarterly meetings with Obama

February 25, 2013

Rogers on Increased Threat of Militarized Cyber Attacks

Rogers: US needs to 'hit the weight room' before we can effectively deter cyber warfare

February 24, 2013

MSNBC Uses Selectively Edited Video to Smear McCain

'As Senator McCain clearly said, his heart goes out to Mrs. Teves and her family,' says McCain spox

February 22, 2013